Saturday, January 12, 2013

What Kids Can Do To Prevent Gang Violence

What Kids Can Do To Prevent Gang Violence

- SETTLE ARGUMENTS WITH WORDS, NOT FISTS OR WEAPONS. Don’t stand around and form an audience when others are arguing. A group makes a good target for violence.

- DON’T PRETEND TO BE A GANG MEMBER: it could get you killed.

- TELL THE TRUTH TO PARENTS AND ADULTS ABOUT ACTIVITIES. If you want trust and respect, then you must earn it. Remember that adults and your parents make mistakes too.


- LEARN SAFE ROUTES FOR WALKING IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD, and know good places to seek help. Trust your feelings, and if there is a sense of danger, get away fast.

- REPORT ANY CRIMES OR SUSPICIOUS actions to the police, school authorities and parents. Be willing to testify.

- DON’T HANG OUT with gang members.

- STAY AWAY from known gang hangouts.

- NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITH SOMEONE you don’t know and trust.

- IF SOMEONE TRIES TO PRESSURE YOU into joining a gang, say no, get away and tell a trusted adult. Remember, it is not the victim’s fault.

- DON’T USE ALCOHOL OR DRUGS and stay away from places and people associated with them.

- STICK WITH FRIENDS WHO ARE ALSO AGAINST GANGS, violence and drugs and stay away from known trouble spots.

- GET INVOLVED TO MAKE SCHOOL A SAFER AND BETTER. Organize poster contests against violence, hold a anti violence and anti drug rallies, counsel peers and settle disputes peacefully.

- HELP YOUNGER CHILDREN LEARN TO AVOID BEING CRIME VICTIMS. Set a good example, and volunteer to help with Community efforts to stop crime.

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